About Us
As necessity is the mother of invention, PixelPlane began as a response to the need for affordable, modular, controllable LED 2D arrays. We had been using an LED tile from ColorKinetics (owned by Phillips) called an “icolor module fx” to build custom mobile lighting stage rigs and interactive sculptures. This 6 inch square tile worked great, but is discontinued, very costly, and limited when it comes to scaling to large applications. Not to mention that it requires $1000s in software just to control it. After extensive research, we could not find a replacement product that suited our needs, so we decided to just make it!
We are 2 friends putting our heads together to create fun and easy LED systems that are completely integrated from the fixture, to the controller, to creative software control.
Leo Ascarrunz is an Electrical Engineer and co-founder of Jagged Sound. Aaron Wilson is a Software Engineer, and co-founder of AudioPixel. The goal is to create something that is easy enough for a beginner “maker” to setup up and operate, but also robust and versatile enough to stand up to architectural and industrial applications.
We acknowledge that there is a void, or middle space between cheap Chinese LED strips that are delicate and clunky to arrange in a 2D matrix and expensive PRO LED walls that start at tens of thousands. PixelPlane fills that void.